Archive | April, 2014

Bridal Shower Cake and Cupcakes

27 Apr

Bridal Shower CakeThis bride chose some very bright jewel tone colors for her wedding, so I tried to capture those colors in her bridal shower cake and in the cupcakes. Cake flavor, classic butter cake with vanilla butter cream. All the flowers are butter cream.


shower cupcakes



A Chocolate Butter Cream Day

3 Apr

Today was a beautiful Spring day and I so wanted to be outside BUT…. before I could do that there was cakes to decorate.

Lori's Birthday 100_3086The first one.. a yellow butter cake with chocolate butter cream.

Number 2 made for a young girl who loves the color pink… a chocolate cake with raspberry butter cream filling, iced in chocolate fudge butter cream.

All the flowers were made of butter cream.