Archive | May, 2015

A Tiffany Blue and White Birthday

20 May

Tiffany Blue

Tiffany Blue is such a pretty color but not the easiest color to capture in icing. I hope I got it at least near the right shade. This was a lemon butter cake with lemon butter cream and fondant decorations.


A Sunny Yellow Birthday Cake

15 May

A Sunny Yellow Cake

Today just seemed like the right time to make a yellow iced cake. The weather has been so beautiful here the last few days, sunny and bright. The cake flavor, a classic yellow butter cake with vanilla butter cream. Flowers on top are butter cream daisies and the flowers scattered around the bottom are fondant.


Scott’s Birthday Cake

6 May

I’m always trying to come up with ideas for sheet cakes for a man and when my minds a blank I fall back on stripes. Here I’ve used blue (a good stand by) and yellow with just a few fondant flowers..